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The BEST Legal Notices listings near Home of BC Community Newspaper Classifieds

The BEST Legal Notices listings near Home of BC Community Newspaper Classifieds

Legal Notices 

1 Village Square <br>P.O. Box  1 Village Square  P.O. Box 128, Granisle, BC V0J 1W0  Phone: 250 697 2248 • Fax: 1 888 335 4682  email:    NOTICE OF PERMISSIVE TAX EXEMPTIONs  Pursuant to the Community Charter public notice is given of “Village of Granisle Exemption from Taxation  Bylaw No. 526,2022”,“Village of Granisle Exemption from Taxation Bylaw No. 527, 2022”, and “Village  of Granisle Exemption from Taxation Bylaw No. 528,2022” to allow a permissive exemption from general  municipal property taxation for a period of three (3) years to the following, as long as the property  continues to meet the requirements for permissive tax exemptions:  Name    Street Address    PID Number    Estimated exemption Estimated exemption  for 2025  for 2026 & 2027    1. Conference of  Mennonites BC    Newman Avenue    009-478-850    $8,762    $9,116  $9,298  The proposed exemption is to allow permissive general municipal property tax exemption on land and  improvements assessed by BC Assessment Authority as Class 8 – Recreation/Non-Profit property currently  assessed at $171,800.  2. Granisle & District Senior  Citizen Association 19 Chapman Street 009-477-608}  009-477-616} $401  $409 $417  009-477-624}  The proposed exemption is to allow permissive general municipal property tax exemption on land and  improvements assessed by BC Assessment Authority as Class 1 – Residential Property currently assessed at  $97,600  3. Granisle Lions  Housing Society    29 Chapman Street 009-477-594}  009-477-586}    $550    $ 561 $573    The proposed exemption is to allow permissive general municipal property tax exemption on land and  improvements assessed by BC Assessment Authority as Class 1 – Residential Property assessed at $82,500
Box 280 (5031 - 50  Box 280 (5031 - 50 St.)  Stettler, AB T0C 2L0    TOWN OF STETTLER  PUBLIC NOTICE  BYLAW 2176-24  Public Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of the  Municipal Council of the Town of Stettler to repeal Bylaw 1978-08  and replace with Bylaw 2176-24 as follows:  • The offsite levy amount due on undeveloped lands has  increased from $5,000/acre to $6,555.23/acre  • The area of lands included in the offsite levy bylaw has been  reduced.  A copy of Bylaw 2176-24 may be viewed at the Town Office  during regular hours of business or it’s available on our website  at  A Public Hearing on the matter of Bylaw 2174-24 will be held at  the Council Chambers, Stettler Town Office, 5031 - 50 Street on  Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at the hour of 7:00 P.M. when written or  oral presentation for or against the bylaw will be received.  Should    you    have    any    questions    concerning    the    above,    please feel free to contact me at 403-742-8305 or by email at  Melissa Robbins  Director of Operations
c delay <br>c delays on  c delay  c delays on the Nakusp Hot Springs Road on Sunday 8th September  2024 between 10 am and 3 pm. The road will be open with an escort through every 20  minutes. The Nakusp Hot Springs remain open.  The Rocky Mountain Motogiro event being held features timed trials up Hot Springs Road with  small vintage motorcycles. The event is run by the Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group, Rocky  Mountain Section.
CITY OF TERRACE <br>PUBLIC NOTICE  CITY OF TERRACE  PUBLIC NOTICE OF HEARING    LIQUOR PRIMARY LICENSE  AMENDMENT  TAKE NOTICE THAT the City of Terrace has received an application from Terrace Curling  Association for a permanent change to their “Liquor Primary” license.  THE SUBJECT LAND: The application affects the land, within the City of Terrace, shown  hatched on the accompanying map and described as:  Lot A, District Lot 369, Range 5, Coast District, Plan PRP45542 [3210 School Street]    THE INTENT: To amend Liquor License No. 047830 from a Liquor Primary Club License  to a Liquor Primary License.  APPLICATION DETAILS: For information concerning the details of this application please  contact the Planning Department at 250-615-4022 or at  PUBLIC INPUT DETAILS: The application will be considered by Council at the COUNCIL  MEETING TO BE HELD IN THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, AT 7:30 P.M. ON  MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2024.  Any person who wishes to address Council may do so in person at 3215 Eby Street or  participate virtually through Microsoft Teams. Council meetings will also be live streamed  and available for viewing on the City of Terrace website at webcasts or on the City of Terrace Facebook page.  OPPORTUNITES TO COMMENT:  Participate Virtually -  Contact Planning Department - Phone: 250-615-4022  Written submissions - Email: or by letter, mailed or  delivered to: 5003 Graham Avenue, Terrace, B.C., V8G 1B3  Written submissions must be received prior to 11:00 a.m. on Monday, September 9, 2024  in order to be considered by Council.
County Of Stettler No. 6  County Of Stettler No. 6    Box 1270 6602 - 44 Avenue  Stettler AB T0C 2L0  Telephone: (403) 742-4441 Fax: (403) 742-1277    PUBLIC NOTICE    DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS APPROVED  Notice is hereby given that the following Development Permit Applications in accordance with the County  of Stettler No. 6 Land Use Bylaw No. 1443-10 were conditionally approved by the Development Authority:  Discretionary Use Permit.  No: DP 24070  Applicant:  Proposed Development:    Legal Description: Lot 21 block 1 Plan 992 4620  Robert & Wendy Cardell  Sea can as an ancillary building    Digital copy of the development permits that have been recently approved by the County of Stettler are  available on the County of Stettler No. 6 website. Notices are posted every Friday under the heading with  the posting date.The most recent approvals are at the top of the list. Click on the file number (i.e. DP 24017)  to open a PDF file of the development permit. If you are not able to open the PDF file of the permit, please  contact Planning & Development and arrange for a copy to be sent to you.  Any person claiming to be affected by such decision may appeal by giving notice in writing to the  appropriate appeal authority. Each development permit identifies whether the appeal must be filed with  the Land and Property Rights Tribunal or the Regional Subdivision and Development Appeal Board. An  appeal must be filed no later than 21 days from the date of this notification. Development permits for a  permitted use can only be appealed if one or more provisions of the Land Use Bylaw were relaxed, varied,  or misinterpreted. Development permits for a discretionary use can be appealed by any person claiming  to be affected by the decision.
FOREST OPERATIONS MAP #1817 -  FOREST OPERATIONS MAP #1817 - INVITATION TO COMMENT  The public is invited to review and comment on West Fraser’s Forest Operations Map (FOM) #1817. The  FOM shows proposed road construction and cut block development under West Fraser’s Forest Stewardship  Plan (FSP) within Forest Development Units in the Quesnel Natural Resource District (DQU) and Tree Farm  License 52 (TFL52). This FOM has a validity period of 3 years beginning October 4,2024. During the validity  period, West Fraser may apply for Cutting Permits containing cut blocks and road permits to construct  roads shown on the FOM. The majority of the proposed blocks within this FOM are focused on the 2024  Antler Creek fire.  Forest Operations Maps for the DQU are available for public review online at one of 2 websites:  htttps:// or    License    Blocks    Description    Geographic Location    TFL52    various    2024 fire salvage.    3100 road, 1600 road and 26A road.    A20013    CP NBV    Regular live blocks    2400 road.    A20013    CP PAN    Regular live blocks    West of the Fraser River, mostly on the 11B road.    The West Fraser’s FOM for the DQU are also available for in-person review and comment by appointment at  the addresses listed below. Business hours are between 12:00pm and from 1:00pm to 4:30 p.m.,  Monday to Friday.  Comments will be accepted between September 4, 2024 and October 4, 2024. Comments may be sent to  the e-mail address listed, delivered in person to the physical address during business hours or mailed to the  mailing address listed below.  If you have questions or comments, or if you require assistance using the online portal to view or comment  on the Forest Operations Maps, please use the contact information below.    License    West  Fraser Mills  Ltd.    FSP#    755    Business Physical  Address    Business Mailing  Address    1250 Brownmiller  Rd. Quesnel, B.C.  V2J 6P5    1250 Brownmiller  Rd. Quesnel, B.C.  V2J 6P5    Email to submit  comments    QUE-Woods-FOM@
Forest Planning and Practices Regulation  Forest Planning and Practices Regulation (FPPR):  Forest Operations Map  Lake Babine Nation Forestry Ltd., holder of First Nations Woodland License  N2I, advertises Forest Operations Map (FOM) submission ID 1797 under  FPPR division 3.1; to provide engagement opportunity for interested members  of the public, and community stake holders.  This FOM submission is available for review via the following avenues:  1) At the Capacity Forest Management office located at 1761 Redwood  Street, Campbell River, BC, V9W 3K7.  2) Viewable on the BC Government online portal:  Comments will be received via the following response methods:  - In person, visiting the Capacity office during office hours  (8am – 5pm).  - By mail, sent to the Capacity office (address listed above).  - Via email, sent to  o Subject : ‘FOM ID 1797 – ‘Comment’  - Online, via the Government portal (address listed above).  Comment period for this notice will be 30 days, beginning September 4th,  2024, and ending October 4th, 2024. Please be advised that any comments to  this advertisement will be considered part of the public record.  This FOM ID is valid for 3 years for cutting and road permit submissions starting at the beginning of the comment period.
LEGAL NOTICE <br>Kitasoo Forest Company  LEGAL NOTICE  Kitasoo Forest Company Ltd, Forest Operations Map  Kitasoo forest Company Ltd hereby publishes notice that Forest Operations Map (FOM)  submission ID 1810 under Forest Planning and Practices Regulation (FPPR) division 3.1; to  provide engagement opportunity for interested members of the public, and community  stake holders.  This FOM submission is available for review via the following avenues:  1. At the Capacity Forest Management office located at 1761 Redwood Street,  Campbell River, BC, V9W 3K7.  2. Viewable on the BC Government online portal:  The public review and comment period for this notice will be 30 days after the first  publications of this notice, beginning September 4, 2024, and ending Oct 4, 2024. This  FOM ID 1810 is valid for 3 years for cutting and road permit submissions starting at the  beginning of the comment period.  Comments will be received via the following response methods:  • In person, visiting the Capacity office during office hours (8am – 5pm).  • By mail, sent to the Capacity office (address listed above).  • Via email, sent to  • Subject : ‘FOM ID 1810 – ‘Comment’  • Online, via the Government portal (address listed above).  Please reference the applicable FOM# when commenting  Please be advised that any comments to this advertisement will be considered part of the  public record
Notice is hereby given that  Notice is hereby given that Klahoose Limited Forestry Partnership is seeking  public review and comment on Forest Operations Map (FOM) Community Forest  License K4C, FOM ID KLAH006 in Klahoose FSP for a 30-day period between  August 13 and September 12, 2024. This FOM consists of approximately 70  hectares of crown land located in Toba Inlet of the Sunshine Coast region of BC.  Please email to arrange a viewing of this FOM during  the hours of 9:00am-12:00 pm and 1:00pm-3:00pm, Monday to Friday at the  Forbidden Timber Ltd. office: 1782 D Comox Ave, Comox, BC, V9M 3M8.  Written comments may be dropped off or sent to 1782 D Comox Ave, Comox, BC,  V9M 3M8 or emailed to . Please reference the FOM  ID: 1744  Following the review and comment period, this FOM may be relied upon to apply for  a road permit or cutting permit for a 3-year period ending August 13, 2027.
Notice of default <br>This is  Notice of default  This is to notify the following customers that are in default of  payments for storage facilities  Edna Mae Simmons    DT    DT259    John Beebe    Mac    24    Tanisha Low-Bayne    North    H1    Derek William Seien    North    B22    Felix Olaney    South    SH24    Cecilia Taylor    DT    Ccan86    Terri Cox    Mac    153    Genard Hermosa    Mac    118    Simone Thiessen-Bishop    DT    Stall26    Lacey Rose Bailey    DT    DT262    Brian Phoenix    Mac    105    Janette Louise Hume    Sima    A14    Melody Grindi-Blanchard    DT    DT188    If the above noted customers do not settle their debt by Friday, Sep  13th 2024 the contents of the above-noted storage units will be  removed and sold for compensation.  Please contact 633-5402 or 106 Titanium Way, Whitehorse, Y1A  0E8 to arrange for debt settlement.  Items will be auctioned at:
Notice of Disposition of Manufactured  Notice of Disposition of Manufactured  Home Unit 69 Ms. Pauline Fern Stewart  Pursuant to Sections 37 and 39 of the Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Regulation,  Sections 27 and 29 of the Residential Tenancy Regulations, and Section 59 of the  Personal Property Security Act, Desma Holdings Limited, of 175 Harbour Avenue  North Vancouver, B.C. V7J 2E7 (the Landlord) hereby gives notice of its intention  to sell 1969 Glendall Villager Home serial no. V46122BR662, and its contents(the  Property) of the former tenant, Pauline Fern Stewart (Ms Stewart ) formerly located  at # 69- 3889 Muller Avenue Terrace B.C. (Pine Park Court). The Landlord will dispose  of the Property unless Ms Stewart or any person claiming an interest in the Property  takes possession of the Property, establishes a right to possession of it or makes  an application to the court to establish such a right within 30 days. The sale of the  property is subject to buyer’s payment of or assumption of liability to pay property  taxes in arrears, and the landlord’s legal cost and other costs in relation to the sale in  the amount of $13,800.00.  Landlord Rosie K De Ath, Desma Holdings Limited 175 Harbour Avenue North  Vancouver B.C V7J 2 E7 Ph: 250 315 7998.  Email:
NOTICE OF DISPOSITION The following  NOTICE OF DISPOSITION The following personal property,  owned by the late Donald Stewart of site 6, 4137 Spallumcheen  Drive, Spallumcheen BC V4Y 0N1 will be disposed of unless  claimed by a person who establishes a legal right to the said  property before 30 days after the publication date of this notice.  Property includes 2008 Nissan Versa and 1972 Paramount  Manufactured Home, 12 x 68 feet, and contents located in the  Palisades Mobile Home Park, Spallumcheen, BC. Claim may be  addressed to The Armstrong Land Corp. Att. Titus Mandel, 3025  Smith Drive, Armstrong BC V4Y 0A2, phone 250-900-1462.
Notice of Intent <br>Notice of  Notice of Intent  Notice of intention to sell pursuant of Warehouseman’s  Act. Contents of locker stored by the following people at :  Armstrong Mini Storage 250-546-6942  2950 Smith Dr, Armstrong, B.C. V4Y 0A3  Pamela Buzzell  #2… Present Charges … $ 1452.70  All accounts are subject to adverting and disposal costs  and must be Paid in full before Sept 12, 2024
Notice of Participation – Canoe  Notice of Participation – Canoe Procurement  Notice is given that the District of Fort St. James intends to participate in one  or more procurements conducted by Canoe Procurement Group of Canada in the  period of August 2024 through July 2025. This period may be extended annually.  Canoe’s contracting policies, procedures, and processes are compliant with the  Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA), the Comprehensive Economic and Trade  Agreement (CETA), the Atlantic Trade and Procurement Partnership (ATPP), the  Ontario Broader Public Sector (BPS) Procurement Directive, the Ontario-Quebec  Trade and Cooperation Agreement (OOTCA), and the New West Partnership  Agreement (NWPTA).  For further information and access to the Canoe RFP notices, please visit the  Canoe Procurement Portal at, or review the British  Columbia (BC Bid) designated tendering site at  For further information about Canoe, please visit their website at    Susan Clarke, CFO  District of Fort St James
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  Estate of Gary Ellis Herman of Stettler, Alberta  who died on August 9 2024.  If you have a claim against this estate you must file your claim by  October 7 2024  with  at    Jacquelyn Mazerolle, executor,  99 Adams Close, Red Deer AB, T4R 3C7,    and provide details of your claim.  If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can  lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  Estate of LOREN RALPH HOWELL  who died on August 25, 2024  If you have a claim against this Estate, you must file your claim by  October 6th, 2024  with    KANE N. GELLERT    at    Warren Sinclair LLP  Barristers and Solicitors  600, 4911 - 51 Street, Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6V4    and provide details of your claim.  If you do not file by the date above, the Estate property can  lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS  Estate of Sandra Jeanette Jackson,  who died July 26, 2024    If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim  by the 30th day of September 2024,  with  at    Rouillard Law Office  101, 37 Beju Industrial Drive,  Sylvan Lake, Alberta T4S 0K9    and provide the details of your claim. If you do not file by the  date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed  without regard to any claim your may have.”
NOTICE TO <br>CREDITORS <br>AND CLAIMANTS  NOTICE TO  CREDITORS  AND CLAIMANTS  IN THE MATTER OF  THE ESTATE OF    BERNICE  ROWENA ROSE  CATCHESIDE  Deceased of Mayo,  Yukon who died on  October 13, 2022.    All persons having claims  against the above-mentioned  Estate are requested to  file a claim, supported by  Statutory Declaration, with  Arthur Mauro, on or before  March 1, 2025, after which  date the Estate will be  distributed having reference  only to claims which have  been so filed.  All persons indebted to the  Estate are requested to make  immediate payment to:  AUSTRING, FAIRMAN &  FEKETE  ATTN: Arthur Mauro  Barristers and Solicitors  3081 Third Avenue  Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 4Z7
NOTICE TO <br>CREDITORS <br>AND OTHERS  NOTICE TO  CREDITORS  AND OTHERS  NOTICE is hereby given that  Creditors and others having  claims against the Estate of    MELVYN ROBERT  MACLEOD  SMITH  of Faro, Yukon, who died on  July 29th, 2024, are hereby  required to send them to  the undersigned Executor  at the address shown  below, before the 2nd day of  October, after which date  the Executor will distribute  the Estate among the  parties entitled thereto,  having regard to the claims  of which they have notice.  AND FURTHER, all persons  who are indebted to the  Estate are required to make  payment to the Estate at  the address below.  BY: Alexandra Grawehr  c/o Tucker Carruthers  301 - 303 Alexander Street  Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2L5
Ponoka County <br>PUBLIC NOTICE <br>PUBLIC  Ponoka County  PUBLIC NOTICE  PUBLIC NOTICE    Amendment to Land Use By‐Law 7‐08‐LU  The Council of Ponoka County has been asked by Brent Jordan and Les Johnson to amend Land Use  By-Law 7-08-LU as follows:    Reclassify Pt. NE 12-42-2-W5 and Pt. Lot 2, Block 1, Plan 1472-2068 and Lot 1, Block 2,  Plan 232-1044 from Country Residential Hobby Farm District to Country Residential  District to allow for a future multi-lot subdivision on the rezoned area (approximately 70  acres).  Before considering the by-law, Council will hold a Public Hearing at which any person claiming to be  affected may ask questions or make comments. This hearing is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday,  September 10, 2024 in the Council Chambers of the County Administration Building. You may  forward your comments/concerns prior to the meeting by phone, fax or email as noted below.  A copy of the proposed by-law may be inspected at the County Administration Building, Ponoka,  Alberta during regular office hours.  Peter Hall  Chief Administrative Officer  Ponoka County  4205 ‐ Highway #2A  PONOKA, Alberta T4J 1V9  Phone: 783‐3333  Fax: 783‐6965  e‐mail:
Proposed Woodlot Licence Plan for  Proposed Woodlot Licence Plan for  Woodlot Licence W1720  Notice is hereby given that W.A. Mackay Logging Ltd., licensee for Woodlot Licence  W1720, will make a proposed Woodlot Licence Plan (WLP) available for public viewing  and comment. This WLP has been developed under the Forest and Range Practices Act  and Woodlot Licence Planning and Practices Regulation.  Woodlot Licence W1720 is located along the Brewster Lake Road, approximately 10  km west of Campbell River.  A WLP sets the legal requirements for how activities in the woodlot will be carried  out. The WLP shows the areas where timber harvesting will be avoided, modified  or allowed and also includes information on results and strategies designed for the  maintenance and protection of non-timber resources in the tenure area. A WLP plan  also includes designated Wildlife Tree Retention Areas where harvesting will not occur.  All harvesting activities will be subject to the WLP and Annual Allowable Cut and  associated Cut Control Regulation. The term of the WLP is ten years.  The plan is available for review prior to the determination of the District Manager of  the Ministry of Forests, Campbell River Natural Resources District and can be made  available to interested parties. The plan will be made available during regular business  hours from September 4, 2024 to October 2, 2024. To request a copy of the WLP please  call Brian Smart at Econ Consulting Ltd. 250-337-5588 or email to  Additional information related to the woodlot may be provided upon request.  Comments upon the plan must be received in writing by October 9, 2024 at the  following address: Econ Consulting, 2-8268 Island Hwy, Black Creek, BC, V9J 1H6, attn:  Brian Smart, RPF, or by email to Please note that comments that do  not directly bear upon the plans themselves will be forwarded to the District Manager,  but may be outside of the jurisdiction of the licensee to address.
PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING NOTICE <br>PROPOSED  PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING NOTICE  PROPOSED ROGERS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY  63.0-METER TALL SELF-SUPPORT TOWER STRUCTURE  PROPOSED STRUCTURE: Rogers is inviting the public to attend a digital public  information meeting to discuss a proposed telecommunications facility consisting  of a 63.0 meter tall self-support tower and ancillary radio equipment situated on  private land in Cowichan Bay. Rogers has amended the proposal to allow for a larger  60 meter setback into the subject property.  PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1615 Koksilah Road, Cowichan Bay, BC V0R 1N2  GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES OF PROPOSED TOWER: 48.733026, -123.616072  (revised coordinates)  PUBLIC MEETING: A digital public information meeting is scheduled for Thursday,  September 12th, 2024, from 5:00-6:00 pm and shall be hosted via the Microsoft  Teams application. For details regarding how to join the meeting, please contact the  Rogers contact listed below by no later than September 11th, 2024.  ROGERS CONTACT: Further information can be obtained by contacting:  Brian Gregg, SitePath Consulting Ltd.  PO Box 20138, Vancouver RPO, Fairview, BC V5Z 0C1  Email:
PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING <br>Regarding Electoral  PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING  Regarding Electoral Area F Official Community Plan  Amendment Bylaw No. 830-26 and Scotch Creek/Lee Creek  Zoning and Amendment Bylaw No. 825-52 for 3856 SquilaxAnglemont Road, Scotch Creek  The meeting will be held on-site at 3856 Squilax-Anglemont  Rd at 10:00am on Thursday, September 19th 2024.
Public Notice <br> <br>Forest Operations  Public Notice    Forest Operations Map 1809 –  Gorman Bros. Lumber Ltd.  Gorman Bros. Lumber Ltd. will publish a Forest Operations Map  (FOM) 1809 for public comment on September 9, 2024.  The FOM will be available for public viewing and comment for  30 days beginning September 9, 2024.  The FOM can be viewed online at the FOM Online Portal  ( Comments can be  made through the online portal.  The FOM can also be viewed 8:30 AM-4:00 PM, Monday to  Friday (excluding public holidays), at:  3900 Dunfield Road,  West Kelowna, B.C.  V4T 1W4  Comments can also be submitted to, or  via mail to the above address. Preference is for comments to  be submitted through the Provincial Online Portal. Please  reference the FOM ID# if commenting by email or mail  This FOM will be valid for 3-years beginning September 9, 2024,  through to September 9, 2027.
Public Notice <br> <br>Forest Operations  Public Notice    Forest Operations Map 1823 –  Gorman Bros. Lumber Ltd.  Gorman Bros. Lumber Ltd. will publish a Forest Operations Map  (FOM) 1823 for public comment on September 7, 2024.  The FOM will be available for public viewing and comment for 30  days beginning September 7, 2024.  The FOM can be viewed online at the FOM Online Portal (https:// Comments can be made  through the online portal.  The FOM can also be viewed 8:30 AM-4:00 PM, Monday to Friday  (excluding public holidays), at:  3900 Dunfield Road,  West Kelowna, B.C. , V4T 1W4  Comments can also be submitted to, or via  mail to the above address.  Preference is for comments to be submitted through the  Provincial Online Portal. Please reference the FOM ID# if  commenting by email or mail  This FOM will be valid for 3-years beginning September 7, 2024,  through to September 7, 2027.
PUBLIC NOTICE: <br>FOREST OPERATION MAP  PUBLIC NOTICE:  FOREST OPERATION MAP REVIEW  In accordance with the Forest Range and Practices Act, Canadian Forest  Products Ltd. (Canfor) invites the public to review its Forest Operations Maps  (FOM ID: 1822) for the Stuart Nechako Resource District. Each FOM describes  areas proposed for Cutting Permit and Road Permit development within the next  three years starting on October 10, 2024 and ending on September 9, 2027.  We welcome your comments and feedback during the review period starting  September 9, 2024. Please submit your comments by October 9, 2024.  The map is accessible for review and comment submission online at:  Alternatively, in-person review and comments can be completed at the following  location during regular office hours (Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM):  Canfor Plateau Division Office - 1399 Bearhead Road, Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A2  Comments may also be submitted by mail to the above address or submitted via  phone or email at:  1-250-567-8350
Truck Repossession <br>Sunday October 6  Truck Repossession  Sunday October 6    Black 1994 Ford 150 4x4 regular cab    Serial#    2FTEF14N2RCA32700    was abandoned Spring of 2009 on  Trevor Peacock’s acreage at 1014-1  Hwy 6 Vernon, BC.  You have 30 days to pay $6,000 past  due storage fees to reclaim the above  noted pickup or the sale of same truck  made May 30/2024 at 9:30am will  proceed.  Only serious inquiries with proof of  ownership.  PH. (250)-549-2941 or  EM.
Warehouse Lien Act <br> <br>Danielle  Warehouse Lien Act    Danielle Fawley is indebted to Penticton  Towing Ltd. for storage & towing on a 2011 Mitsubishi RVR  VIN: JA4AJ4AU2BZ604622 a lien is claimed under the Act. There  is presently an amount due and owing of $4200.00 plus any  additional costs of storage, seizure and sale that may accrue.  Notice is hereby given that on the day of 30th Sept 2024 or  thereafter, the said vehicle will be sold. The Vehicle is currently  stored at Penticton Towing Ltd, BC V2A 3H4. The Vehicle was  placed in storage on June 16th 2024. All sealed bids must be sent  to Penticton towing via mail. For more info call Penticton Towing  LTD at 250-493-1991
Warehouseman’s Lien Act <br>Under the  Warehouseman’s Lien Act  Under the terms of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act, goods and  personal property of the persons listed below, and deposited  at TC Storage, 6767 Trans Canada Highway, Duncan BC, have  been seized and will be sold on, or after September 17th,  2024 to recover the cost for unpaid storage rent.  Gabriel Heron……$1138.60    Mark Taylor……$348.80    Andy Peters……$411.80